The UCC at North Gorham is now officially an “Open and Affirming” congregation!

By a unanimous vote of the congregation on May 8, 2022, we have now adopted the following Open and Affirming Covenant:

Since our founding, the United Church of Christ at North Gorham has always been a warm and welcoming church, open to anyone who wishes to join us as we seek to embody the values of Christ in our community. This means that we are a congregation that affirms and celebrates people of every age, race, nationality, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We welcome people whatever their economic circumstances or political persuasion. Whatever labels or categories might be used to distinguish people from one another, we believe wholeheartedly that every individual is equally a child of God, worthy of participating in the full life and ministry of this church. Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Read more about our decision in this article from the June 9, 2022 issue of the Gorham Times.